Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Presentations w/ Notes

Today the first group went for presentations. They didn't get to finish though, or anywhere close to finishing. I suspect that these presentations are going to take forever to get through all three groups. But Mr. Schick would stop and discuss some of the facts on the slides and I took notes! The notes I got include that when people come in contact with other people, there becomes a mixture of cultures, the Barbarians are an example of this. The people of Greece were very good with using the water surrounding them to their benefit. Peloponnese Peninsula is where Sparta & Athens is located, the peninsula is almost a island. In 2200 BC: the Minoan were on Crete and the island of Crete was controlling the trade by the sea. The Minoans were destroyed by the sea people. City states are like current day counties. Hoplites are men at arms. A monarchy was a government by kings and was passed down by heredity. Oligarchy was ruled by a group of people (above the age of 60), it was no always passed down heredity. Tyranny was ruled by a tyrant and in the past, Tyrants were not always considered bad people and they held power by force, exploiting internal divisions, and by providing efficient government.

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