Monday, February 11, 2013


Today in class we took notes from a textbook powerpoint then finished taking notes with a powerpoint Mr. Schick made. We finished class by getting into groups and beginning our project. Some of the notes I had included: the Acropolis is the highest point in town. Megalithic structures were structures made constructed in Europe around 35 BC, one of the most famous ones is Stonehenge. Around 2500 BC, Indo-European nomads from the stepes migrated to Europe and the European Barbarian way if life is created. Barbarians lived a life of nomads and were of European tribal descent, they were very war like and had central leaders of warriors or war lords. The Barbarians also had burial rituals and had tribes formed of groups with common interests. The first Barbarian people later formed Greece. Crete is south of Greece and to the east is the Ageian sea and to the west between Italy and Greece is the Ionian sea. Mountain peninsula, Mountains cover 3/4ths of Greece and there are about 1400 islands in the Ageian sea. The location of Greece shaped the culture- many sailors and poor natural resources. It was hard to unite Ancient Greece because the terrain formed individual villages.

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