Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Notes from LO1 (Roman Republic) That Mr. Schick Said to Know

  • Romans imitated Greek civilization and improved on it (improved: government and warfare)
  • Mediterranean land with farming resources that were similar to those of Greece or Palestine but able to support a larger population and army.
  • Latins were the first to show up and settled at the mouth of the Tiber River. 
  • Latins, Etruscans, and Greeks settled on present day Italy
  • Romans got their way of writing (& lots of other knowledge) from the Greeks 
  • Senate comes from the Latin word, senxes, meaning old man
  • If a king died, the Senate chose who became the next king
  • Tarquin the Proud (ruled like tyrant)- last King of Rome before it was overthrown 
  • After Tarquin, Romans didn't want any single person to have to much power
  • There are 2 consuls among the 300 senators who had more power than that rest (ran the meetings)
  • There were 2 consuls because they could veto each others ideas 
  • The consuls could only serve for one year and would have to wait ten years to serve again

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