Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Graccus Brothers

We started the movie watching today at video 6 and we finished the rest of the movie. The continued with talking about Tiberius and how once he was elected as tribune, he tries to pass laws so that the people could vote. Octavian then vetoed this causing Tiberius to rebel against him and veto every law that was attempted to be passed. This pretty much continued for five minutes, they would just veto everything the other person said. This put the entire Roman government at a standstill. When Tiberius's term was up he went against the rules and ran again so he couldn't be executed, but this didn't work. The senate made up lies that Graccus was a tyrant, who was trying to gain all power and get rid of the Senate. This made the Senate mad and then they killed him, causing a civil war. Mr. Schick asked a question on wether or not we believed he was an actual tyrant. 

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