Friday, April 12, 2013

LO2 Notes

  •  generous when conquering lands- status of allies, kept local laws & government systems, and armies under Roman authority
  • tightened control over the Italian peninsula- created a network of colonies of settlers from Rome
  • allies began to demand full integration with Rome
  • 250 BC- all of Italy south was controlled by Rome- caused a rival with Carthage
  • Punic wars were on land and sea between 264 BC and 146 BC
  • First phase of Punic War- Rome forced Carthage out of Sicily
  • 2nd phase: Carthaginian general (Hannibal) invaded Italy, defeated several Roman armies, and brought Rome to the brink of defeat
  • 202 BC- Carthage was disarmed and helpless
  • Rome feared a Carthage revenge & made a third war and was defeated (146 BC)
  • Rome sold the Carthage people into slavery and leveled the city
  • Sicily, Spain, and Africa became the first Roman provinces- ruled as conquered lands, paid tribute, contributed "auxiliary" units of cavalry and light infantry, and provided opportunites for influential Roman citizens to build up private fortunes
  • 27 BC- provinces began to share the Roman benefits
  • 200 BC- amdasadors from various Greek city-states appealed to Rome for aid in resisting the king of Macedonia (Carthage ally)

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