Sunday, March 17, 2013

Notes for Test

Random Facts to Know
·         3/4 of Athens was mountains= lots of water travel
·         Olives were good resources- olive oil was good for trade
·         pottery people were at the bottom of society
·         Ostracize: being banned from Athens
·         Gathered at the agora every nine days to vote on things
·         Greeks: freedom; Persia: obidence
·         Delian league – bunch of organized city states
·         Triemes were the best/most advanced weapon
·         Speeches during court were timed by a water clock
·         Hubrious- people in power who are arrogant, thinking they can get away with anything
·         Phalis wrote the first book about navigation
·         Sparta won the Peloponician war because Athens had no leader with a set plan- Athens blamed Socrates for the loss
·         Darius was the Persian king
Important Dates to Know
  • 6th century BC: aristocrats controlled Athens
  • 508 BC: Athens had a revolution after Isagoris took power. Isagoris surrendered. FIRST TIME IN RECORDED HISTORY THERE WAS A REVOLT AGAINST THE GOVERNMENT. Athens turned to Cleithehes for help.
  • 776 BC: first Olympics (anyone could compete)
  • 490 BC: Phildephies ran to warn Athens the Persians were coming. He then ran to Sparta to ask for them to help defeat Persia- Sparta declined. He ran 140 miles in two days
  • 1600 – 1200 BC: prosper of The Mycenaean Civilizations
  • 1150 – 750 BC: Dark Ages
  • 776 BC: The first Olympics occurred, according to tradition.
  • 750 – 700 BC: Homer’s verses (Iliad and the Odyssey) were first composed
  • 508 BC: Isagoras (bad tyrant) seizes power. The people don’t like him, a revolution occurs for the first time in known history.
  • 490 BC: The Battle of Marathon (First Persian invasion of Greece) occurred which gave the Athenians a new sense of power and potential.
  • 480 BC: Athens Evacuated and the Persian armada was devastated. The Battle of Salamis (Athens got Persia to go in a small space where they became trapped on the water and were able to beat them) occurred which caused the city to be rebuilt. An Athenian guy acted as a double spy to benefit Athens.
·         461 – 429 BC: Age of Pericles
·         447 – 438 BC: The Parthenon construction
·         431 – 404 BC: Peloponnesian War: Athens built walls around the city to protect them from Sparta
·         399 BC: The Trial of Socrates occurred and he was charged of impiety and corrupting the city’s youth.
·         336 BC: Lyceum school was founded by Plato in Athens
·         416 BC: Crete asked Sparta for protection from the attacks by Athens
·         483 BC: Athens discover silver
·         486 BC: King Daius died- son wants to continue his father’s mission to conquer Athens
Perisa vs Athens (1st war)
·         Athens was outnumbered 2-1
·         Ordinary people and Heploits fought to beat Persia
·         Athens won- had more people fighting for a purpose
Perisa vs Athens (2nd war)
·         Darius’s son is in charge
·         2 million men for Persia
·         480 BC: Persia army leaves for Athens
·         Athens turned to their gods for help
·         Athens avoided conflict and fought at sea
·         Persia burned Acropolis and other temples
·         Greek ships destroyed Perisan fleet
·         Persians lost 200 ships
·         Greek victory- Pericles takes over
·         tyrant, king to the Persian
·         people had to cover their mouth in his presence
·         Needed allies to reamin in power over Athens for generations- went to the common people for help
·         Reduced taxes and introduced laosn
·         Increases prosperity
·         527- died- Hippyass took over (his son)
·         Tyrant because he became paranoid after his brother was murdered
·         Overthrown and banished from Atthens
·         Didn’t have a typical aristocrat upbringing
·         Learned leadership by going to the agora
·         One of Athens greatest leaders
·         Warned Athens that Persia might be coming back again, with more people
·         Wanted to spend $ on ships
·         Evacuated Athens for the 1st time
·         His plans where to get Persia to fight at the sea (2nd war)
·         Banned from Athens even though he was the reason Athens won the war

·         570 BC: born an aristocrat
·         Inspired by ancient stories and myths
·         510 BC: took over power of Athens
·         Took over power again after Isagoris surrenders- allowed the people to control the government
·         Had an agora built so people could have a place to vote

Isagoris vs Cleithehes (for power of Athens)
·         Isagoris got help from his friends at Sparta to defeat Cleithehes. Cleithehes left Athens & Isagoris took over
·         Took over Athens after second Persian war
·         Wanted dominant power over eastern Mediterranean
·         Democracy
·         Voted people to be ostracized
·         Killed by plague
·         429 BC: Pericles died after 6 months with plague
·         After he died, there was a fight for power over Athens
·         Athens never had a leader with a good plan for success after he died
·         Questioned the assumption of Athenian life
·         “the unexamined life is not worth living”
·         Died by drinking hemlock- very painful
·         Arrested for undermining the state religion and corrupting the youth
·         Trials was at the Atheian agora in front of a jury
·         The voting was within 30 points of life/death
·         If he would’ve apologized- would’ve life- instead asked for free dinners for life because of how great he was

·         Brought to Athens- spread like crazy because the people were trapped inside the city walls to protect themselves from Sparta (no one won the war)
·         Killed 1/3 of Athens
·         The democracy turned into a mob because no one was in power (Pericles = dead)
·         Socrates tried to stop the fighting- failed

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