Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Continued Notes on Presentations

Today we took notes on the groups that needed to finish giving their presentations. We were supposed to have a quiz tomorrow about Alexander the Great but since we didn't have school yesterday and most of the classes didn't meet today, our quiz isn't going to be until we return from spring break! I didn't bring by book home with notes, so tomorrow or some time over break, I'm going to post all of my notes about Alexander the Great to help me for the quiz. We watched a movie (not a documentary) about Alexander the Great for about five minutes then the bell rang so I left.

Friday, March 22, 2013


Today in class some people presented there power points that we worked on earlier. Since my group was group number two, we were the second people to go. I think we did pretty good. I took notes on the other groups presentations that went but I forgot it at school so I'll write the notes in my blog another day so I can have them for the tests. But I do remember some of the things about Olympia (Alexander the Greats mom). She seemed kind of weird. She had King Phillips other son killed so Alexander would be guaranteed to become the ruler. I thought this was kind of strange.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Extra Assignment

Because so many people were asking for extra credit, Mr. Schick decided to do an extra 50 point assignment. It is a PowerPoint on Alexander the Great. When we counted off, I was number 2. The people in my group are Kelley and Ally. We have a good group. Our project was based on his early years, there were three different sections for our group so it worked out perfectly. My portion was his education. He was tutored by three different tutors. One of the tutors was Aristotle. We finished our project in class so we didn't have anything else to do. But tomorrow I'm probably gonna go over our work and make sure it's good so we can get the point!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Reading from the Textbook

Today in class we took notes from the textbook while some people read ou loud. I wanted to highlight in my book so I borrowed a highlighter but I had to give Mr Schick my shoe so I would remember to give the highlighter back. We didn't get very far in reading from the book. I think we only read about two pages. We also discussed the blog from yesterday like why Athens lost the war vs Sparta, what Hellenistic meant and what happened during certain years. I also updated the map of Macedonia on my blog from yesterday because the map I had wouldn't have been helpful for tests but the one I have now I hope is more helpful.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Hellenistic Era

Hellenistic Era is when the Greek civilization was leading the international culture and their way of life influenced by the people they ruled. Hellenistic itself refers to the "international" period of Greek history, when most of the Mediterranean and southwest Asia was under Greek rule. In 359 BC, King Phillip 2 of Macedonia comes to power and wants to take control of Greece. King Phillip 2, wanted control of Greece to lead the Greeks and Macedonians in a united force against Persia, who was weakening.

Athens lost the Peloponnesian War (431-404 BC under rule of Pericles) because after the second Persian war, Sparta dropped out of the fighting. Athens formed alliances with the Aegean coasts and islands, the people would donate money for the triremes. When Anatolia became free from Persian rule, Athens still demanded the allies to donate money. The allies became angry with Athens and asked the Spartans to be on their side and attack Athens in a naval war. The conflict was brought on because "the Athenians had grown great and inspired fear in the Spartans, thereby compelling them to war. In the beginning o the war, Athens and Piraeus formed a single stronghold while showing cautions and a strategy. Athens used their navy to guard the sea routes so they could get grain and so they could attack Sparta and the allies. Athens eventually fell to Sparta and gave them their outlying possessions  got rid of their defenses, and became forced allies of Sparta. Sparta had also lost a lot of men and resources, so when Athens tried to return to a democracy and have independence  Sparta could not stop them. Overall, Athens lost the war because they became greedy with their power and caused the other city-states to attack. (top of page 81 for more reasons)

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Notes for Test

Random Facts to Know
·         3/4 of Athens was mountains= lots of water travel
·         Olives were good resources- olive oil was good for trade
·         pottery people were at the bottom of society
·         Ostracize: being banned from Athens
·         Gathered at the agora every nine days to vote on things
·         Greeks: freedom; Persia: obidence
·         Delian league – bunch of organized city states
·         Triemes were the best/most advanced weapon
·         Speeches during court were timed by a water clock
·         Hubrious- people in power who are arrogant, thinking they can get away with anything
·         Phalis wrote the first book about navigation
·         Sparta won the Peloponician war because Athens had no leader with a set plan- Athens blamed Socrates for the loss
·         Darius was the Persian king
Important Dates to Know
  • 6th century BC: aristocrats controlled Athens
  • 508 BC: Athens had a revolution after Isagoris took power. Isagoris surrendered. FIRST TIME IN RECORDED HISTORY THERE WAS A REVOLT AGAINST THE GOVERNMENT. Athens turned to Cleithehes for help.
  • 776 BC: first Olympics (anyone could compete)
  • 490 BC: Phildephies ran to warn Athens the Persians were coming. He then ran to Sparta to ask for them to help defeat Persia- Sparta declined. He ran 140 miles in two days
  • 1600 – 1200 BC: prosper of The Mycenaean Civilizations
  • 1150 – 750 BC: Dark Ages
  • 776 BC: The first Olympics occurred, according to tradition.
  • 750 – 700 BC: Homer’s verses (Iliad and the Odyssey) were first composed
  • 508 BC: Isagoras (bad tyrant) seizes power. The people don’t like him, a revolution occurs for the first time in known history.
  • 490 BC: The Battle of Marathon (First Persian invasion of Greece) occurred which gave the Athenians a new sense of power and potential.
  • 480 BC: Athens Evacuated and the Persian armada was devastated. The Battle of Salamis (Athens got Persia to go in a small space where they became trapped on the water and were able to beat them) occurred which caused the city to be rebuilt. An Athenian guy acted as a double spy to benefit Athens.
·         461 – 429 BC: Age of Pericles
·         447 – 438 BC: The Parthenon construction
·         431 – 404 BC: Peloponnesian War: Athens built walls around the city to protect them from Sparta
·         399 BC: The Trial of Socrates occurred and he was charged of impiety and corrupting the city’s youth.
·         336 BC: Lyceum school was founded by Plato in Athens
·         416 BC: Crete asked Sparta for protection from the attacks by Athens
·         483 BC: Athens discover silver
·         486 BC: King Daius died- son wants to continue his father’s mission to conquer Athens
Perisa vs Athens (1st war)
·         Athens was outnumbered 2-1
·         Ordinary people and Heploits fought to beat Persia
·         Athens won- had more people fighting for a purpose
Perisa vs Athens (2nd war)
·         Darius’s son is in charge
·         2 million men for Persia
·         480 BC: Persia army leaves for Athens
·         Athens turned to their gods for help
·         Athens avoided conflict and fought at sea
·         Persia burned Acropolis and other temples
·         Greek ships destroyed Perisan fleet
·         Persians lost 200 ships
·         Greek victory- Pericles takes over
·         tyrant, king to the Persian
·         people had to cover their mouth in his presence
·         Needed allies to reamin in power over Athens for generations- went to the common people for help
·         Reduced taxes and introduced laosn
·         Increases prosperity
·         527- died- Hippyass took over (his son)
·         Tyrant because he became paranoid after his brother was murdered
·         Overthrown and banished from Atthens
·         Didn’t have a typical aristocrat upbringing
·         Learned leadership by going to the agora
·         One of Athens greatest leaders
·         Warned Athens that Persia might be coming back again, with more people
·         Wanted to spend $ on ships
·         Evacuated Athens for the 1st time
·         His plans where to get Persia to fight at the sea (2nd war)
·         Banned from Athens even though he was the reason Athens won the war

·         570 BC: born an aristocrat
·         Inspired by ancient stories and myths
·         510 BC: took over power of Athens
·         Took over power again after Isagoris surrenders- allowed the people to control the government
·         Had an agora built so people could have a place to vote

Isagoris vs Cleithehes (for power of Athens)
·         Isagoris got help from his friends at Sparta to defeat Cleithehes. Cleithehes left Athens & Isagoris took over
·         Took over Athens after second Persian war
·         Wanted dominant power over eastern Mediterranean
·         Democracy
·         Voted people to be ostracized
·         Killed by plague
·         429 BC: Pericles died after 6 months with plague
·         After he died, there was a fight for power over Athens
·         Athens never had a leader with a good plan for success after he died
·         Questioned the assumption of Athenian life
·         “the unexamined life is not worth living”
·         Died by drinking hemlock- very painful
·         Arrested for undermining the state religion and corrupting the youth
·         Trials was at the Atheian agora in front of a jury
·         The voting was within 30 points of life/death
·         If he would’ve apologized- would’ve life- instead asked for free dinners for life because of how great he was

·         Brought to Athens- spread like crazy because the people were trapped inside the city walls to protect themselves from Sparta (no one won the war)
·         Killed 1/3 of Athens
·         The democracy turned into a mob because no one was in power (Pericles = dead)
·         Socrates tried to stop the fighting- failed

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Test Monday

We have a test monday so some time tomorrow I'm going to post alllll of my notes for this section so I can make sure I get a good grade on the test to bring my grade up. I have an 86% right now because of the test but Mr. Schick hasn't updated the blogs and I've done all the blogs so my grade should go up and if it doesn't I'm going to be upset. But on Friday we went over the test we got back. I got a 20/20 on the essay portion which I was happy of but I didn't do to good on the short answer or the mulitple choice.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Controversial Debates

Mr. Schick said we would get our tests back today, but we didn't. He said we would get them at our next class (Friday). We watched about twenty minutes of the movie, mainly about Socrates. Then we had a "Socrates discussion" We picked a controversial topic that's currently happening in present day USA. We started to discuss gay marriage and whether or not it was moral and should be illegal. When I answered, Mr. Schick said I didn't answer well enough because all I said was that there marriage doesn't effect me at all, so they should be able to do what they want. Mr. Schick said Socrates would dissapprove of my answer because it involved no deeper thinking or understanding.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Movie, Movie, Movie

We didn't get our tests back today but we should be getting it back tomorrow. We watched the movie and took notes. I have more notes I need to add to the post about Greece, but I'll do that another day. I got the notes I missed on Friday from Savannah and copied them into my notebook, so I'm all caught up! The part of the movie we watched today was about Socarates and since Athens lost the huge, long lasting war against Persia, Athens needed someone to blame so they decided to blame Socrates and he was put to death by poision for corruption of the youth and something else but I don't remember.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Review about Movie

Because on Friday Mr. Schick wasn't there, he had the people that were there talk about how far they got in the movie. We also watched a little of the movie but not a lot. Monday is the really long class so Mr. Schick explained/told stories of some of the topics in the movie. Class went by quickly though considering what we went over. Mr. Schick said we would get our tests back tomorrow. We took the tests like two weeks ago, but it's okay, we will get it back eventually.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Field Trip

I wasn't in class Friday because I was on the English field trip

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Notes from Greece Movie

Today in class we watched more of the movie that we've watched all of this week and part of last week. I finally remembered my notebook so I'm going to type all my notes so I have them for the test if we can use our blogs. Okay so these are the notes I have:
  • reading/writing was rare
  • life expectancy was 15 years
  • 3/4 of Athens was mountains= lots of water travel
  • impossible for a single ruler to rule all of Greece- formed many city states
  • Spartan men were raised to be part of the military
  • Red cloaks were used to blend in blood
  • Olives were good resources- olive oil was good for trade
  • Eastern Mediterrean was the best place for trading
  • pottery people were at the bottom of society
  • 776 BC: first olympics
  • Olympics: anyone could compete for greatness
  • Ostracize: being banned from Athens
  • White pebble meant yes, black meant no
  • Gathered at the agora every nine days to vote on things
  • Greeks: freedom; Persia: obidence
  • Triemes were the best/most advanced weapon
  • Pisitratus needed allies to remain in power over Athens for generations- went to the common people for help
  • Pisitratus reduced taxes and introduced loan
  • Pisitratus increased prosperity
  • 527 BC: Pisistratus died- Hippyass took over (son)
  • Hippyass was a tyrant who became paranoid after his brother was murdered
  • Hippyass was overthrown and banished from Athens
  • 570 BC: Cleisthehes was born, aristocrat
  • Cleisthehes was inspired by ancient stories & myths
  • 510BC: Cleithehes took over power
  • Cleithehes took over power again after Isagoris surrendors- allowed the people to control the government
  • Cleithehes had an agora built so there could be a place where people could vote
  • Themistocles didn't have a typical aristocrat childhood. 
  • Themistocles learned leadership by going to the voting meetings
  • Themistocles was one of the greatest Athenian leaders 
  • Themistocles warned Athens that Persia might be coming back again, stronger than before 
  • 6th century BC: aristocrats controlled Athens
  • 508 BC: Athens had a revolution after Isagoris took power. Isagoris surrendered. FIRST TIME IN RECORDED HISTORY THERE WAS A REVOLT AGAINST THE GOVERNMENT. Athens turned to Cleithehes for help.
  • 490 BC: Phildephies ran to warn Athens the Persians were coming. He then ran to Sparta to ask for them to help defeat Persia- Sparta declined. He ran 140 miles in two days
  • Persian Empire had the strongest army
  • Draius (tyrant) was the king to the Persians aka "The Great King"
  • People had to cover there mouth when they came in Draius presence
  • ISAGORIS vs. CLEISTHEHES (for power of Athens): Isagoris got help from Sparta to defeat Cleisthehes. Cleisthehes left Athens & Isagoris took over
  • PERSIA vs. ATHENS: Athens was outnumbered 2-1. Heploits were the trained Athenian army. Many ordinary people from Athens helped to come fight. ATHENS WON because Athens had more will to fight because they were fighting for their country while the Persian Army (20,000 people) was fighting because they were told too. 

Monday, March 4, 2013

Movie about Greece

So today we continued to watch a movie about Greece but once again I forgot all of my notes in my locker so hopefully tomorrow I'll remember my notebook so I can write all my notes in a blog post so I can have it for a test, if we're allowed to use our blogs. Nothing really exciting happened in this class today, so there isn't much to write but tomorrow's blog should be long since I will be typing all of my notes (3 pages worth) from the Ancient Greece movie.